
Tectubi Raccordi SpA joins the European Fusion Association (EFA)

Tectubi Raccordi SpA has become a member of EFA (European Fusion Association) with the primary objective of accelerating the transition of fusion energy from research laboratories to large-scale industrial applications.
The European Fusion Association is an ambitious initiative that requires a synergy of industrial expertise, entrepreneurial thinking and a close cooperation among industry, science, investors, and politics, with the aim of laying the foundations for sustainable energy production across Europe.
In this framework, Tectubi Raccordi SpA is committed to providing its expertise in the production of piping components addressed to the power sectors, together with the management of the related supply chains.

Websites of the Group

Phocéenne SAS - Siège social / Registered office: 10 Boulevard de Pythagore, domaine de Couperigne, 13127 Vitrolles, France -
Capital social/ Paid capital € 50,000 - Chambre du Commerce / Chamber of Commerce RCS Marseille B 877951673 - TVA/ VAT No. FR63877951673
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